Tanacetum oil
Origin of tansy oil
This hardy perennial herb is a native from Europe and grows to about 1 meter high and has a smooth stem, dark green ferny leaves, and small, round brilliant yellow flowers borne in clusters.
The whole plant is strongly scented and the gypsies regarded it as a 'cure-all'. It was used for expelling worms, to treat colds and fevers, to prevent miscarriages and to ease dyspepsia.
Chemical composition
Tansy oil is extracted from the whole plant by steam distillation. Also CO2 supercritical extraction is used to obtain high quality oil. The main chemical components of tansy oil are thujone (a poison that can cause convulsions, vomiting and uterine bleeding) , isopinocamphone, camphor, borneol, camphone, artemisone and piperitone.
Oil properties
Tansy oil has a pungent aroma.
It should not be used in aromatherapy as it can cause convulsions and epileptic-like attacks, and even small doses can be lethal.